But when there is no clear and present danger, the decision to remove a tree can be quite complicated.
Tree Removal
Let Truetimber’s arborists help you make the most
practical, cost-effective and informed decisions.
Trees, dead or living, that pose a threat to people or property are usually prime candidates for removal.
Often our clients find that a tree that once looked nice living in close proximity to their house becomes overbearing as it grows and ages. Certain trees have very aggressive root systems that can seek out cracks in hardscapes or foundations and cause damage there. In some cases, animals or insects burrowing into the supporting trunk of a tree may point toward structural weaknesses. Sometimes, achieving a desired aesthetic (more light, better spacing, etc.) requires the removal of perfectly healthy trees.
Whatever the case, the decision to remove a healthy tree can be a tough one. Count on our arborists to help you understand the options, and to help you make the most informed decision for your situation.
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